Standing open in everyday life, safely closed in case of a fire alarm!
A hold-open system allows the barrier-free access of fire protection closures by self-closing them in case of fire or smoke development. Therefor the hold-open system releases in case of smoke detection the hold-open device, so the door closes reliably.
A hold-open system consists at least of:
- a fire, smoke or (if neccessary) heat detector,
- a signal processing control unit ,
- a power supply unit connected to the mains,
- a hold-open device, which is connected to a power supply unit and
- a manual release switch/pushbutton
Further components of a hold-open system:
- a legally required optical and acoustic warning signal even during power failure
Sample construction
Hold-open system RZ-24-FA with warning signal WS-24-R
Hold-open systems, according to the “Guideline for the Authorisation of Fire Protection Closers” of the German Institute for Construction Technology (DIBt) in Berlin, have to be self-closing. In Germany, if there is the need to keep fire closures constantly open, an officially approved hold-open system must be used.
For further information or a quotation for your individual hold-open system, contact us:
Sales RZ-24
Andree Kölbel
Tel.: +49 34383 6315-18
Training courses
authorization for acceptance tests and maintenance of hold-open systems
We offer training courses for:
specialist for hold open systems (acceptance test and maintenance)
Information and dates:
Internal sales
phone: +49 34383 6315-18
Installation and maintenance of a hold-open system
Installation: After the professional installation, an acceptance test is required. The official acceptance test has to be arrangend by the facility operator and has to be performed by the manufacturer or a certified person (specialist for hold opensystems or acceptance test specialist).
Maintenance: The facility operator must guarantee the hold-open system operational constantly, and check the errorfree functioning once a month/every three monts. The facility operator is obligated to perform an annual inspection of the proper and failure-free interaction of the devices and general maintenance. The operator has to employ a qualified maintenance expert, or to commission a specialist company (certified specialist for hold open systems) to realise the maintenance of the hold-open system. The extent, result and date of the inspection and maintenance must be documented and archived.